Book Recommendations – Part 2

  1. The cult of Emptiness by Urs App
  2. Kautilya’s Arthashastra translated by 1. Rangarajan and 2. Shamashastry
  3. Waking Up by Sam Harris
  4. Samkhya Karika of Isvara Krsna with the Tattva Kaumudi by Vacaspati Mishra translated by Swami Virupakshananada
  5. Samkhya Karika of Isvara Krsna (Text-Translation and Commentary-Yuktidipika) Translated by S.S. Suryanarayana Shastri. Edited by Dr. N.C.Panda
  6. Uniqueness of Carvaka Philosophy in traditional Indian thought by Bhupender Heera
  7. The Geography of Thought, How Asians and Westerners think differently and Why by Richard E Nisbett
  8. Open Secrets by Maloy Krishna Dhar
  9. Breaking India by Rajiv Malhotra
  10. Invading the Sacred by Krishnan Ramaswamy, Antonio de Nicolas and Aditi Banerjee
  11. Being Different by Rajiv Malhotra
  12. Indra’s Net by Rajiv Malhotra
  13. The Battle for sanskrit by Rajiv Malhotra
  14. Mahabharata Sanskrit Text with Hindi translation by Gita Press Gorakhpur
  15. Rigveda 2 volumes Hindi translation by Shri Damodar Satwalekar
  16. Samaveda Hindi translation by Swami Bramhamuni Parivrajak
  17. Yajurveda Hindi Translation by Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati
  18. Atharvaveda Hindi Translation by Shri Damodar Satwalekar
  19. Dating the era of Lord Rama by Pushkar Bhatnagar
  20. Ancient India by R.C.Majumdar