In this podcast, Kushal speaks with Nalin Mehta about a recent article that he wrote where he claims that the BJP will dominate the Indian political landscape till the year 2047. What is the basis of this claim and how ...

In this podcast, Kushal speaks with Sriram Balasubramanian about his book ” Kautilyanomics For Modern Times “. What is Kautilyanomics? What was Kautilya’s view on economics? Was he a socialist or a capitalist? Or was his view based on Dharmic ...

In this podcast, Kushal speaks with Gautam R. Desiraju about his latest book ” Bhārat: India 2.0 “. This book is a detailed journey from the proceedings of the Constituent Assembly to the formulation of the Indian Constitution of 1950 ...

In this podcast, Kushal chats with Gautam Chikermane and Devdip Ganguli about their latest book ” Reading Sri Aurobindo “. The movie is a beautiful summary of the complete works of Sri Aurobindo. They chat about Sri Aurobindo’s views on ...

In this podcast, Aabhas Maldahiyar chats with Kushal about his book “#Modi Again: (Why Modi is right for India) An Ex-Communist’s Manifesto”. This book is a fascinating narration of Aabhas’ own journey where he voted against Modi and the BJP ...

In this podcast, Kushal chats with Ami Ganatra about her new book “Ramayana Unravelled”. As in her previous book on the Mahabharata Ami debunks many myths and popular notions as she uses the primary text as her source in this ...

In this podcast, Kushal speaks with Dr. Makarand Paranjape about his latest book “JNU: Nationalism And India’s Uncivil War”. ...

In this podcast, Amish Tripathi takes us through a detailed journey in the world of writing. What does it take to become a great writer? How does one research a subject? What is the future of fiction and non-fiction writing ...

In this podcast, Kushal chats with Dr. Jon Mills about his book ” Inventing God Psychology of Belief and the Rise of Secular Spirituality “. Is God a concept? If yes how can we prove that? Dr. Mills argues that ...

In this podcast, Kushal speaks with Ashwin Sanghi about his latest book “The Magicians of Mazda”. They talk about themes inside the book and explore a range of historical periods that the book covers. ...