I chat with Dr Arvind Virmani and Karan Bhasin about their latest paper “Growth Implications of Pandemic: Indian Economy”. You can read the paper here https://egrowfoundation.org/research/… ...

I chat with T V Mohandas Pai and Anuraag Saxena as we discuss the potential measures for the revival of the Indian economy post the COVID-19 crisis. You can follow Mr. Pai on Twitter @TVMohandasPai You can follow Anuraag Saxena ...

I discuss the Economic Impact of #CoronaVirus on the Global Economy with Rajeev Mantri and Shambhav Sharma ...

I chat with Harsh Gupta about revisiting Modinomics post the latest budget. You can follow Harsh on Twitter @harshmadhusudan ...

I chat with Harsh Gupta about expectations from the upcoming budget. ...