I had a conversation with Neel Kolhatkar about his series “Crossing the Line”. We discuss his experience as he went about making this series. Humour is a very complex subject. What constitutes a good joke? What is socially acceptable and ...
Anger is an old ally/foe of the human species. It has accompanied us since the earliest times and from time immemorial. As per the Scientists at the Center for Evolutionary Psychology (University of California Santa Barbara) Anger is an “evolved ...
I chat with Ngurang Reena about the problems faced by Indians from the North East in regard to racist slurs and discrimination against them. We touch upon different aspects of a Northeastern Indians experience. How they are told to “go ...
The world of Indian English Language Stand-Up Comedy is on fire again. In the last few days, we have seen a number of comics suspend their Twitter accounts faster than the speed of light. It all started with a clip ...
I chat with Tripurdaman Singh about his book “Sixteen Stormy days”. We cover the various political machinations that were involved in the destruction of Free Speech in India. How the ones we think are our heroes were actually curbing our ...
In this 5th Episode of Shashtrartha, we discuss the issues of Pasmanda Muslims in India. In this episode, we try to understand their problems, the roadblocks, the struggles Pasmanda Muslims face in India through the words of Fayyaz Ahmad and ...
In this podcast, I discuss the digital landscape of India with Anuraag Saxena. This discussion was inspired by an article by Anuraag. We try to cover the Indian response to the latest Chinese aggression in the form of the ban ...
I chat with Carl Zha from the Silk and Steel Podcast about The Chinese Gaze. Carl explains how China perceives its role in the world. We discuss the perception of the Chinese people/government about India, Asia, and the West (especially ...
In this 4th episode of Shastrartha, I discuss the status of women in Modern India with Pratyasha Rath, Smita Barooah, Padma Pillai, and Nayanika Barat. We chat about the progress, the problems, possible solutions, and the bottlenecks. You can follow ...
I chat with Dr. Gobardhan Das about how India could benefit from our BCG vaccination and why we should actively pursue this line of treatment in our fight against Covid19. You can follow Prof Das on Twitter @dasgobardhan ...
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