The Uttar Pradesh government has recently come up with an ordinance against “Love Jihad”. Why is this law needed? What is the background behind the entire chain of events where one government after the other is drafting laws to stop ...
In this podcast, Yasmine Mohammed shares her own life journey from being married to an Al Qaeda member to now being an Ex Muslim. Yasmine’s journey is inspirational and everyone could learn a lot from Yasmine. In light of the ...
In this monologue, I will share my views on why we need secularism. There is a lot of confusion about what secularism actually means because of the way it has been practiced in India. But the question we need to ...
In this chat, we try to address the journey of disbelief in India. Is disbelief a problem? Can believers and disbelievers get along? If yes what are the parameters? Should disbelievers leave religion alone and utter nothing about it? Is ...
In this monologue, I give my views on how I think we can study religion. My focus will be specifically on the subject of religious language. How does one read texts? Do we take them literally? Do we take them ...
This podcast is inspired by the pinned tweet of Rahul Roushan’s Twitter profile where he says ” Establishment is the bunch that systematically controls your thoughts through media and academics, controls your speech and actions, through the judiciary, and not ...
In this 10th Episode of the Shastrartha, we discuss the subject on same-sex marriage in India. I try to understand this subject in the light of a recent PIL filed in the Delhi High court by Abhijit Iyer Mitra, Gopi ...
In this conversation, Anand Ranganathan speaks with Kushal about the double standards of social media platforms. A video of someone spitting on the Quran goes viral but Anand Ranganathan literally quoting a religious scripture gets his account suspended. What is ...
In this conversation, we try to unpack what are the best strategies that should be adopted when one criticises religion. Is burning books alright? Should we spit on books? Should we desecrate murtis? Should that be illegal? Is there a ...
In this monologue, I want to address the problem with the arguments presented by religious believers. Whenever they are questioned about specific verses from their religious texts they will use the standard excuse that the translation of the verse is ...
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