In this Monologue, I want to share my views on the state of Hinduism in Academia. We live in a unique time where the pop-culture image of Hinduism is absolutely ridiculous and any pushback in the form of an appeal ...

In this podcast, I chat with Manu Khajuria as we discuss the Story of Jammu. The national discourse in India for good or bad is obsessed with Kashmir. But in this obsession with Kashmir, the voice of Jammu and its ...

In this podcast, Harsha Madhusudhan Gupta shares his views on Dharma, Hinduism, and India. What is Hindutva? What does it mean? Is it progressive? Or is it just a mere political reaction to militant Islam? What is India’s essence? Are ...

In this podcast, Dr. Koenraad Elst gives a detailed explanation of how Linguistics work and how linguists build their arguments to present a case for the Aryan Invasion/Migration Theory. Dr. Elst also makes his case for the Out of India ...

In this podcast, we discuss Rahul Roushan’s book ” Sanghi Who Never Went To A Shakha “. We talk about Rahul’s journey from being someone who would block someone on Twitter for calling him a Sanghi to now embracing the ...

In this podcast, Abhinav Prakash presents his case for what he calls Rooted Indian Nationalism. Nationalism is a bad word in intellectual spaces. People avoid calling themselves a nationalist. In such a scenario Abhinav has presented his case for it ...

The Uttar Pradesh government has recently come up with an ordinance against “Love Jihad”. In our previous podcast on this subject, we discussed The Ground Reality with Swati Goel Sharma. In this podcast, we look at the law itself with ...

In this Monologue, I want to talk about the issue of what it takes for one to be called a Hindu. Is Hindu a geographical identity or it is a lot more than that? If it is a group identity ...

The Uttar Pradesh government has recently come up with an ordinance against “Love Jihad”. Why is this law needed? What is the background behind the entire chain of events where one government after the other is drafting laws to stop ...

In the 14th Episode of Shastrartha, we take a deep dive into the subject of the Uniform Civil Code. From being mentioned in the directive principles of our constitution in Article 44 to being part of the BJP manifesto since ...